About Akin Olokun

Akin Olokun is a Polish-Nigerian natural health educator, raw living foods proponent, herbalist, writer, thinker, and plantarian. He describes himself as an “Intelligent Living Advocate,” a designation that aptly encapsulates his dedication to helping people cultivate a healthier, more harmonious life by living intelligently, which he defines as aligning one’s actions, choices, and behaviors with the natural laws that govern existence.

Akin was born on fertile farmland in the picturesque and mountainous countryside of southern Poland. His grandfather, an ardent beekeeper, cultivated an array of fruit trees, flowers, and herbs.

Growing up on a farm surrounded by verdure, lush meadows, and rolling hills, Akin intimately interacted with nature daily. He spent his childhood playing in the orchard, climbing trees, swimming in rivers and creeks, and harvesting berries and other native foods.

In his teenage years, Akin relocated to the United States, where he began conducting research in various fields, including health and nutrition, herbalism/herbology/phytotherapy, biology, business, law, philosophy, religion, and politics. While residing in Oakland in the San Francisco Bay Area, Akin started an herbal company that served as an outlet for over thirty therapeutic herbal compounds he had developed.

In 2010, Akin left California for Chicago, where his business evolved into an all-organic raw food restaurant, juice bar, and herbal store. The establishment offered gourmet living meals, cold-pressed juices, superfood smoothies, and a wide assortment of botanicals from around the world. It provided thousands of people, including professional athletes, entertainers, and political figures, with the tools they needed to improve their health and quality of life. A few years later, the company opened a second location in the very heart of the Windy City.

For over fifteen years, Akin has been dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey to a healthier, more harmonious life. He has assisted thousands of people in overcoming various health challenges and bring their bodies into a state of homeostasis (balance) through natural modalities. He has done so by working one-on-one with clients, providing personal consultations, and sharing his knowledge through his private membership club, blog, and social media platforms (X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).