Root Canals

A root canal procedure permanently removes vital parts of the tooth, essentially leaving you with a lifeless organ in your mouth/body.

The following components are excised from the tooth:

  • Nerve tissue
  • Lymphatic tissue
  • Blood vessels

Deprived of nerve tissue, the tooth can no longer transmit pain signals once an infection begins to form, thus failing to forewarn you of impending peril. Consequently, it is crucial that root canals are regularly and meticulously monitored by a skilled and knowledgeable dentist. Unfortunately, given the nature of root canals, even masterful mouth medics usually miss brewing danger (through no fault of their own).

Deprived of lymphatic tissue, toxins, bacteria, and impurities can no longer be eliminated from the tooth/dentin. Since lymphatic vessels are responsible for waste removal, this inevitably leads to the accumulation of pathogens and their immensely harmful byproducts that your body is simply unable to properly expel.

Deprived of blood vessels, neither nutrients nor oxygen (or white blood cells or antibiotics, in the case of an infection) can reach the toxin/bacteria-filled dead tooth. This allows the toxin-producing bacteria to grow and proliferate uninterrupted. Moreover, a tooth that has undergone a root canal treatment is bound to gradually darken over time. This discoloration occurs due to the tooth no longer being alive and, in most cases, being riddled with toxic waste compounds produced by lingering bacteria.

There are several inherent dangers of root canals. Some are immediate risks linked to the procedure itself. However, the most serious risk—and virtually an inevitable one—is the development of a chronic infection in the dead tooth (dentin) and the surrounding area. Chronic infections tend to develop within months of the procedure and usually go undetected for years (unless the dentist uses—and knows how to properly read—precise dental imaging like CBCT), as traditional X-rays often prove insufficient. Therefore, the toxins remain in the tooth and freely spread throughout the body, sometimes for decades. This can have a profound impact on the hormonal, neurological, and endocrine systems and culminate in conditions like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neurological disorders (migraines, MS, Parkinson’s, etc.), and various so-called autoimmune conditions (e.g., psoriasis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, etc.).

The root canal procedure completely contradicts Common Sense and Reason. In this respect, it aligns with other absolutely absurd allopathic treatments like chemotherapy, radioactive iodine, or excision of lymphatic tissue.

Considering these significant and nearly certain consequences of root canals, few circumstances, if any, can substantiate undergoing them to “save” the tooth (many dental professionals are starting to acknowledge this).

If you have root canals and are experiencing unexplained health issues, you may want to consult a biological/holistic dentist to have it/them removed. A good biological/holistic dentist will use ozone to disinfect and purify the extraction site and apply PRF or platelet-rich fibrin (a natural biomaterial derived from your own blood) to promote healing and tissue regeneration.

If any dental imaging is necessary, ensure you consume activated charcoal and organic iodine both before and after the procedure.

Removal of a root canal, especially in the presence of a clear infection, is a crucial step as it will enable the true healing process to commence within your body. Following the extraction, attention should be directed towards detoxification (although one need not wait to have their root canal(s) removed before starting to cleanse). Incorporating antimicrobial and immune-strengthening herbs can also greatly aid the body in the healing process.

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