Category Archives: Articles

Bad Body Odor

While sweating is a natural and essential bodily function, the production of malodorous scent indicates internal pollution. In other words, fetid sweat is a consequence of poor dietary choices. “You are what you eat” seems to be the apt dictum here. Fortunately, being an intelligent machine, the body continuously endeavors to eliminate that which could imperil its homeostasis. This means that the impurities ingested or absorbed will come out not just via feces and urine but also through the skin via perspiration.

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Overcoming Sleep Paralysis

Have you ever lied in your bed, and just as you were about to fall asleep, or right upon awakening, you found yourself unable to move and breathe? Despite being awake and conscious, you were utterly powerless and in panic as you had no control over your own body? This phenomenon is known as “sleep paralysis” and is regularly experienced by approximately 10% of the general population.

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