Author Archives: Akin Olokun

Understanding President Biden’s Cognitive Decline

Everyone who has recently observed the current Commander-in-Chief can confidently conclude that his cognitive capacity has considerably declined. While many attribute this discernible deterioration to old age, senility is not the sole factor. After all, even his present political opponent, who is only a few years younger, demonstrates strong mental acuity.

I surmise that the most significant cause contributing to Joe Biden’s seemingly steadily progressing cognitive challenges is vascular weakness. His past medical issues substantiate this supposition. By “past medical issues,” I am specifically referring to the brain aneurysm he suffered as a senator, which necessitated swift surgical intervention. (For those unfamiliar with the condition, an aneurysm is a protrusion in the wall of a blood vessel that is prone to rupture. In Biden’s case, the blood vessel was located in the brain.)

It also stands to reason that the aneurysm itself could have contributed to the President’s cognitive decline. A leaking brain artery invariably diminishes blood flow to the brain. In the then-senator’s case, it was the anterior communicating artery, which is crucial for maintaining adequate cerebral circulation, particularly to the frontal lobes, which are vital for cognitive performance.

Furthermore, Biden’s aneurysm caused bleeding around the brain (subarachnoid hemorrhage). This type of hemorrhage can increase pressure in the head (intracranial pressure) and lead to brain dysfunction. Moreover, subarachnoid hemorrhage is known to cause the blood vessels in the brain to constrict, which further reduces the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, often affecting the areas responsible for thinking and memory.

The incident from over three decades ago appears to be merely a symptom of Biden’s underlying vascular disease, which made his blood vessels prone to damage and dysfunction, resulting in the deprivation of the brain cells of oxygen and nutrients.

Vascular weakness is diet-related in the vast majority of cases, and unless the life-threatening medical emergency motivated Senator Biden to make necessary dietary modifications, the root cause of the problem was probably never addressed.

What causes veins to become weak and damaged?

The answer is chronic, systemic Inflammation.

Blood vessels are lined with a layer of cells called endothelial cells. Inflammation disrupts the structure of these cells by weakening their bonds, thereby increasing the permeability of the blood vessel wall. Eventually, the blood vessels become so weak that they begin to leak.

I am not privy to the President’s day-to-day health or eating practices. However, generally speaking, the first thing I would recommend Mr. Biden do is eliminate all inflammation-inducing foods (especially cooked saturated fats, refined oils, and sugar) and simultaneously incorporate copious amounts of fresh organic berries (especially wild blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries) and freshly pressed juices of dark leafy greens (dandelion greens, watercress, arugula, etc.). Since these foods are abundant in antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, polyphenols, etc.), they help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, thereby repairing (tightening and strengthening) the inner endothelial cell barrier or endothelium. In addition, these particular plants possess potent anti-inflammatory properties, and inflammation, as I stated earlier, is the biggest factor behind blood vessel weakness.

Then there is calcium (found in high concentrations in dark leafy greens) which is crucial for the function and integrity of the endothelium. Low calcium levels can weaken veins and make them porous. However, when an individual has low calcium levels, it does not necessarily denote inadequate dietary intake of the mineral. The parathyroid gland (via parathyroid hormone) regulates the level of calcium in the body. Often, calcium deficiency is a consequence of poor parathyroid function. Additionally, I would be remiss if I failed to mention vitamin D, a nutrient essential for calcium absorption. Similar to hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency can lead to reduced calcium levels in the body.

In terms of herbs, I would encourage President Biden to consume bilberry fruit and cayenne pepper (at least 90,000 SHU—to ensure proper blood flow), as well as nootropics such as Bacopa monnieri, gotu kola, and ginkgo biloba to help regulate neurotransmitters in the brain and enhance cognitive faculties.

I extend the same recommendations to Donald Trump, particularly regarding diet, which has a profound impact on psychological processes. Regardless of who will be the next Commander-in-Chief, every American citizen, and indeed every person on this planet given the power of this position, should want that individual to be sound in both body and mind.

Root Canals

A root canal procedure permanently removes vital parts of the tooth, essentially leaving you with a lifeless organ in your mouth/body.

The following components are excised from the tooth:

— Nerve tissue
— Lymphatic tissue
— Blood vessels

Deprived of nerve tissue, the tooth can no longer transmit pain signals once an infection begins to form, thus failing to forewarn you of impending peril. Consequently, it is crucial that root canals are regularly and meticulously monitored by a skilled and knowledgeable dentist. Unfortunately, given the nature of root canals, even masterful mouth medics usually miss brewing danger (through no fault of their own).

Deprived of lymphatic tissue, toxins, bacteria, and impurities can no longer be eliminated from the tooth/dentin. Since lymphatic vessels are responsible for waste removal, this inevitably leads to the accumulation of pathogens and their immensely harmful byproducts that your body is simply unable to properly expel.

Deprived of blood vessels, neither nutrients nor oxygen (or white blood cells or antibiotics, in the case of an infection) can reach the toxin/bacteria-filled dead tooth. This allows the toxin-producing bacteria to grow and proliferate uninterrupted. Moreover, a tooth that has undergone a root canal treatment is bound to gradually darken over time. This discoloration occurs due to the tooth no longer being alive and, in most cases, being riddled with toxic waste compounds produced by lingering bacteria.

There are several inherent dangers of root canals. Some are immediate risks linked to the procedure itself. However, the most serious risk—and virtually an inevitable one—is the development of a chronic infection in the dead tooth (dentin) and the surrounding area. Chronic infections tend to develop within months of the procedure and usually go undetected for years (unless the dentist uses—and knows how to properly read—precise dental imaging like CBCT), as traditional X-rays often prove insufficient. Therefore, the toxins remain in the tooth and freely spread throughout the body, sometimes for decades. This can have a profound impact on the hormonal, neurological, and endocrine systems and culminate in conditions like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neurological disorders (migraines, MS, Parkinson’s, etc.), and various so-called autoimmune conditions (e.g., psoriasis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, etc.).

The root canal procedure completely contradicts Common Sense and Reason. In this respect, it aligns with other absolutely absurd allopathic treatments like chemotherapy, radioactive iodine, or excision of lymphatic tissue.

Considering these significant and nearly certain consequences of root canals, few circumstances, if any, can substantiate undergoing them to “save” the tooth (many dental professionals are starting to acknowledge this).

If you have root canals and are experiencing unexplained health issues, you may want to consult a biological/holistic dentist to have it/them removed. A good biological/holistic dentist will use ozone to disinfect and purify the extraction site and apply PRF or platelet-rich fibrin (a natural biomaterial derived from your own blood) to promote healing and tissue regeneration.

If any dental imaging is necessary, ensure you consume activated charcoal and organic iodine both before and after the procedure.

Removal of a root canal, especially in the presence of a clear infection, is a crucial step as it will enable the true healing process to commence within your body. Following the extraction, attention should be directed towards detoxification (although one need not wait to have their root canal(s) removed before starting to cleanse). Incorporating antimicrobial and immune-strengthening herbs can also greatly aid the body in the healing process.

Raw vs. Cooked

In this article, I will elucidate several reasons why raw living foods (fresh, unheated foods) confer greater benefits compared to their cooked counterparts and why routinely subjecting sustenance to high temperatures can be deleterious to health.

Raw foods provide superior nutrition

Cooking completely annihilates certain compounds (e.g., vitamin C), drastically denatures or damages nutrients like thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), folate (vitamin B9), carotenoids (precursors to vitamin A), vitamin E, vitamin K, polyphenols, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and various phytochemicals, and disrupts the equilibrium of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, phosphate) in the food. Conversely, in foods unaltered by heat, these crucial components remain intact, enabling them to properly exert their health-giving properties. This should be of particular importance to those afflicted by autoimmune issues (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.), degenerative neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, etc.), or cancer, as many of these components are critical for protecting cells, including nerve cells, from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Another important point is that the nutrients in raw foods work energetically. They exist within complex structures of other compounds, which enhance their assimilation and utilization. For example, as you may already know, vitamin C in fresh fruits improves the absorption of iron. (This, by the way, is why ingesting large doses of isolated minerals or vitamins—especially for a prolonged period—is usually a bad idea.)

Raw food abounds in biophotons

Living foods contain minuscule particles of light that fuel the cells, known as “biophotons.” Some cultures refer to these as “prana,” “chi,” or “ka.” In the West, they are often called “Life Force Energy.” Biophotons enhance cellular health and facilitate cellular communication, which are the primary reasons why consuming raw living foods leads to greater vitality and a heightened sense of “aliveness.” In contrast, eating cooked meals (especially large amounts thereof) often leaves people energetically depleted and lethargic.

Raw foods are rich in enzymes

Cooking obliterates enzymes. This process begins when food is subjected to temperatures of 118°F (48°C). Above this threshold, the degradation of enzymatic activity exponentially accelerates.

Enzymes play an essential role in health. The enzymes in raw living foods aid in digestion, thereby reducing the workload on your own endogenous digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas and other organs/glands. Additionally, they enhance nutrient absorption and utilization. Moreover, enzymes support biochemical reactions that are necessary for energy production, detoxification, and cellular repair.

I often hear that this is a moot point since enzymes get destroyed in the stomach. This is not entirely factual. While stomach acid can and does indeed inactivate some of the enzymes carried in food, many of them survive and function in the acidic environment of the stomach (especially in the upper part, which has a higher pH than the lower part), and some pass untouched to the intestines. Moreover, many enzymes begin their activity before they even reach the stomach (starting in the mouth).

Raw living foods are water-dense

Fresh fruits and vegetables have a high water content (this is also true to an extent for nuts that have freshly fallen from the tree and are soft and moist, unlike store-bought nuts). Proper hydration is vital for all bodily functions (the human body is roughly 60% water) and raw living foods—especially fruit—ensure that the cells are adequately hydrated. Cooked food, on the other hand, not only fails to hydrate the body but actually draws moisture from it. If you ever placed a bunch of greens (spinach, collard greens, or kale) in a pan and cooked them for just a few minutes, you notice a drastic decrease in volume. When you then consume these greens, your body needs to “rehydrate” them as they travel through your alimentary tract. And some foods, like fried food, are so heat-processed that they can barely be swallowed without drinking water, which dilutes the body’s enzymes and increases the digestive burden.

One does not have to solely consume raw foods and entirely eschew cooked foods to derive the benefits of the former and decrease the negative effects of the latter. However, bear in mind that this only applies to relatively healthy individuals, who can thrive on a diet comprising 75% raw foods and 25% heat-processed (cooked) foods. For those experiencing entrenched chronic conditions, especially if the malady is likely to result in severe outcomes, a 100% raw living food diet becomes non-negotiable.

The Optimal Way to Eat

The optimal way to eat varies for each person, primarily based on their lifestyle (e.g., activity level), and to a lesser extent, environmental factors such as geographical location. That said, it is crucial not to transgress the bounds of anatomy and physiology, as Homo sapiens biologically most closely resemble frugivores. Thus, notwithstanding external influences, our fleshly frames function most efficiently on diets predicated on plants, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables, along with some seeds, nuts, and herbs.

Properly prepared legumes and grains, when consumed in moderation, can also be processed reasonably effectively by our bodies. Occasional inclusion of small amounts of meat, dairy, and eggs will typically result in no major ramifications—if one is in sound health, that is. However, those experiencing chronic challenges would be wise to eschew animal products (which produce excessive waste in the body and tax the organs), pulses, and cereals completely.

(It is essential to emphasize that, in addition to its health ramifications, from an ethical standpoint, I do not condone the consumption of animals or their byproducts when one does not depend on them for survival.)

How I Minimize Exposure to Microplastics

Microplastics have been discovered in various human tissues, including blood, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, placenta, and testicles. The minuscule synthetic polymer particles have permeated our environment, and it is impossible to avoid them completely. Nevertheless, it is feasible to implement measures to markedly minimize exposure and thereby mitigate the detrimental effects they exert on the body. Below, I delineate several methods I employ to protect myself against these pervasive pollutants.

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Raw Meat

True carnivores such as lions, tigers, and wolves eat their meat in its raw state. In contrast, humans who follow meat-based diets primarily consume cooked meat.

While real carnivores maintain their dietary practices in accordance with their true nature and inherent instincts, humans who adhere to meat-based diets usually do so due to cultural norms or transient dietary trends. Only a minority of individuals consume large quantities of flesh out of necessity or for survival purposes (e.g., the Inuit, Saami, Nenets, Maasai).

True carnivores do not develop cardiovascular diseases as they eat their meat raw. Conversely, cardiovascular conditions are common among humans, who typically cook their meat (often at very high temperatures) prior to consumption.

An important fact that most overlook is that meat/saturated fats should never be cooked. When subjected to high temperatures, meat/saturated fats undergo molecular alterations and generate toxic compounds, including heterocyclic amines (HCAs), advanced glycation end products (AGEs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These deleterious byproducts produce oxidative stress and inflammation and contribute to arterial blockages, thereby increasing the risk of conditions such as heart attack and stroke. In addition, these substances exert carcinogenic effects. Moreover, cooking denatures and damages the nutrients found in raw flesh (completely destroying some of them) and kills the enzymes that make the digestion of meat less strenuous on the system.

Some people recognize the detrimental consequences of consuming saturated fat-rich cooked meat, and thus endeavor to emulate real carnivores by exclusively eating uncooked flesh. However, this presents a catch-22 scenario for meat-eating humans, as Homo sapiens are not biologically (anatomically, physiologically) equipped to process raw flesh efficiently. Consequently, attempting to do so predisposes people to parasitic infections and bacterial diseases, which pose serious consequences for health.